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Monitoring Systems

Know more about Omega7 Systems Smart Monitor platform

Condition monitoring of machines and processes


Smart Monitor is a configurable system for monitoring machines and manual processes, made up of data acquisition devices and integrated into a cloud infrastructure, which enables both maintenance and production management, with historical and processed data, as well as real-time data.

The extraction of knowledge from the integration of the information collected, generating KPI’s – Key Performance Indicators, expands the ability to analyze production efficiency and its bottlenecks and stability, enabling decision-making with results that are more consistent with business objectives.

Among other features, Smart Monitor enables:

  • Remote monitoring of machines and processes
  • Extracting data directly from a data bus provided by the machine and supplementing it by instrumenting what is missing.
  • Instrument machines with sensors to capture mechanical parameters such as vibration and shaft alignment, thermal and electrical parameters such as power quality.
  • Instrument installations to capture electrical, thermal and humidity parameters, among others.